I supported a friend's daughter who was selling buckets of (delicious) cleaned and pre-cut strawberries as a fundraiser. Well...the bucket held a lot more strawberries than I had bargained for. I could have fed a small army angel food cake with strawberries but...my mom thought it would be a great idea to let the girls make freezer jam.
The girls each made their own brand. They are pretty sure "theirs" tastes better...even though all jars came from the same batch.
This jam making is a serious business!

Don't spill!

Lauryn and her yummy final product. Nummy!

Jen and her delicious jam! Mmmm....

I LOVE HOMEMADE JAM!!!! How fun...great way to beat the heat! I'm sure all the jam is marvelous...nothing better. Enjoy! Did your mom help you girls?!
I know I always tell you this, but your girls are just...so NEAT! I love that they do all these fun projects. They are just really good girls! Strawberry jam is the best!
Your kids are a big step up on me cause I have to admit that I have never made jam :( Love to eat it and receive it, but haven't made it!! Wish I would have been in on that fundraiser, I would have been a big purchaser. My family goes through so many strawberries. Got a flat at Costco today, and they are gone tonight :)
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